This guide is to allow your iOS 11 Safari mobile browser to display <video> element properly:
When you try your app on iOS 11 Safari, peers get connected but the <video> element shows only as a black box.
iOS changed its policy regarding <video> elements since iOS 10. According to iOS <video> elements policies, <video> elements require the controls = true and playsinline attribute to the video tag in order to play <video> elements without fullscreen mode.
Set the playinline attribute and controls=true to the <video> tag.
Sample implementation:
Below is an example for the Web SDK "incomingStream" event to implement the above policy to solve it:
skylink.on('incomingStream', function (peerId, stream, isSelf) { var video = document.createElement('video'); = peerId; video.muted = isSelf; video.autoplay = true; video.controls = true; video.setAttribute('playsinline', true); // The required attribute to work. document.getElementById('peers').appendChild(video); attachMediaStream(video, stream); });
<video id="myvideo" controls="true" playsinline autoplay muted></video>