CocoaPods Dependency


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Sample App

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Notable changes

New features

  • Skylink Media Relay support [Beta]
  • Recording support [Beta]
  • Support for separation of receiving and sending for a particular media.
  • Support for separation of audio media from video (for both sending and receiving) 
  • Advanced settings (replacing userInfos on SKYLINKConnection) now allows to set the default camera and preferred video qualities. 

Fixes and improvements

  • Performances improvements
  • Peer view rendering will now be called after peer did join method

Known Issues

With Skylink Media Relay enabled:

 Users with no Audio and no Video for both send and receive configs are not supported:

  1.  If a Peer joins a room with nor auditor video for both send and receive configs, the Peer will not be able to connect to other Peer.
  2. This issue does not exist in a normal room (without Skylink Media Relay).
  3. Possible workaround is for user to join room with receiveAudio = YES or receiveVideo = YES on the SKYLINKConnectionConfig object, but mute and not display these streams when they are received (with in most use cases should not happen if the peers is also in the same receive only configuration).

Android is unable to connect with IOS if IOS is in the room first.
--- Possible work around is to have IOS connect to room last when using Skylink Media Relay.