Temasys has released a new version of the plugin, numbered 0.8.902.

This version includes the following enhancements and bug-fixes :

[ENH] Better error messages when the installer (pkg or msi) fails because of the openH264 download.

[ENH] Additional logs to the openH264 download script

[ENH] Added constructor for MediaStream

[ENH] MediaStreamTracks.id is now a standard uuid.

[ENH] On Windows 8 and greater, screensharing is now able to capture the content of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and the Office suite.

[ENH] Added support for filtering of screensharing sources.

[ENH] Added support for DataChannel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold

[ENH] Added support for DataChannel.onbufferedamountlow

[ENH] Use keywords plugin.screen, plugin.window and plugin.screenOrWindow to filter which type of input you want

[BUGFIX] Fixed minor intermittent crash on closing the plugin.

[BUGFIX] Fixed minor intermittent crash on MediaStream.onended being fired while the plugin is closing.

[BUGFIX] The stream ids are now an auto-generated uuid. This solves a rendering issue when several streams share the same id.

[BUGFIX] Video device list correctly refreshed after a camera is plugged/unplugged (getSources, gUM)

[BUGFIX] Fixed a series of screensharing related freezes.

[BUGFIX] Fixed DataChannel ordering

[BUGFIX] Fixed DataChannel related crashes

[BUGFIX] VideoTracks now return a correct label that reflects the hardware they use (camera/microphone)

Screensharing Dialog renamed to "Screen Sharing Permission"

The stream label is not changed.

As usual, your plugin should offer you an auto-update.

You can also get a link from our portal.