Temasys has released a new version of the plugin, numbered 0.8.889.

This version includes the following enhancements and bug-fixes :


  • [ENH] Update of libWebRTC (comparable with Chrome 54) for improved browser compatibility with latest releases of major browsers.
  • [ENH] plugin.className and plugin.classList are now available on the plugin <object>
  • [ENH] Added plugin.volume API to runtime setting of audio renderer volume. Standard values from 0-1 for volume with permissible values up to 10 for gain boost.
           See documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLMediaElement/volume
  • [ENH] Slight improvement of the getStats API perf (lower CPU usage)
  • [ENH] OpenH264 libraries now fetched at plugin install time.
  • [ENH] Screensharing : removed windows that cannot be shared from the windows list (Windows)
  • [ENH] Added api plugin.getScreensharingSources.
           Works on the same system as mediaStreamTrack.getSources, except it lists the available screens and windows to be shared, rather than camera/microphones.
           Provide relevant sourceId to getUserMedia to select a specific screen/window.
           See example here : https://github.com/Temasys/Google-WebRTC-Samples/tree/dev/src/content/getusermedia/screen-select
  • [BUGFIX] DataChannel.bufferedAmount now returns an int instead of a string
  • [BUGFIX] Fixes an encoding issue that prevented Chrome macOS from decoding H264 streams
  • [BUGFIX] Multiple crash fixes (closing windows, ice gathering, multiple screensharing apps...)
  • [BUGFIX] MacOS only : Delete plugin if already present in HOME directory. The plugin should be installed as system user.
  • [BUGFIX] Windows only : Fixed a bug where the video would be corrupted during screensharing.

As usual, your plugin should offer you to auto-update.

You can also get a link from our portal.