Temasys just released a new version of the plugin, numbered 0.8.869.

This version brings a lot of improvements:

                - Better Management of ArrayBuffer

                - Removed multiple deadlocks

                - More descriptive event callback arguments for onopen, onclose, and onmessageonopen, 

                - onclose, and onmessage can now be set with addEventHandler/attachEvent

                - Removed dependency on Javascript code injection

  • [ENH] Fixed memory leaks
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed connection failure with Chrome M50
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed crash on DTMF deletion
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed crash on MediaStream.stop()
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed freeze on MediaStream.stop() with screensharing streams
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a bug preventing the camera/microphone from being released when sent via a PeerConnection
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed seldom crash on PeerConnection.getStats();

As usual, your plugin should offer you to auto-update.

You can also get a link from our portal.