Temasys just released a new version of the plugin, numbered 0.8.865 on Jan 25, 2016. .
This version brings a lot of improvements:
- [ENH] Updated PeerConnection::getStats to the current specs ( https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#dom-peerconnection-getstats)
- [ENH] Implemented PeerConnection::createDTMFSender (https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#dfn-createdtmfsender)
- [ENH] Implemented the DTMFSender object and its attributes (https://www.w3.org/TR/webrtc/#idl-def-RTCDTMFSender)
- [ENH] Added a crash report system (sends reports on crash on Windows and on plugin restart on Mac)
- [BUGFIX] DataChannel attributes are no longer NULL/empty after the DataChannel is closed
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on trying to render a stopped track
- [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on trying to attach a stream on a nulled renderer (coming in and out of the DOM)
As usual, your plugin should offer you to auto-update.
You can also get a link from our portal.