Here is a step-by-step walkthrough that helps you get started with using SkylinkSDK for Android
1. Add the SkylinkSDK to your project. Please view the following guide on how to add the SDK to your project.
2. Register at Temasys Console to receive your application key and secret.
3. Implement Listeners in the class receiving events from the SkylinkSDK
- Note: A list of listeners available in the current release and the callbacks they provide can be found here, for older versions replace "latest" in the URL with the SDK version.
LifeCycleListener and RemotePeerListener are always required. Listener requirements for additional functionality are outlined below
public class VideoCallFragment extends Fragment implements LifeCycleListener, MediaListener, RemotePeerListener { /**Implementation of callbacks provided the listeners**/ ..... ..... }
4. Initialize SkylinkConfig specifying desired functionality from the Skylink SDK
private SkylinkConfig getSkylinkConfig() { SkylinkConfig config = new SkylinkConfig(); config.setAudioVideoSendConfig(SkylinkConfig.AudioVideoConfig.AUDIO_AND_VIDEO); config.setHasPeerMessaging(true); config.setHasFileTransfer(true); config.setTimeout(60); return config; }
There are four configurations available for AudioVideoConfig
SkylinkConnection skylinkConnection; ..... ..... public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(); skylinkConnection = SkylinkConnection.getInstance(); skylinkConnection.init(getString(R.string.app_key), getString(R.string.app_secret), getSkylinkConfig(), this.getActivity().getApplicationContext()); //register respective listeners skylinkConnection.setLifeCycleListener(this); skylinkConnection.setMediaListener(this); skylinkConnection.setRemotePeerListener(this); ..... ..... }
6. Connect to a room using SkylinkSDK
//you will be connected to the room named "MyRoom" using the name "userDisplayName" skylinkConnection.connectToRoom("MyRoom", "userDisplayName");
Note: The SkylinkSDK also provides a more secure credentials method for connecting to rooms.
Click here for information on generating credentials from your application server.
The credentials method is recommended for production applications.
/*** * Lifecycle Listener Callbacks -- triggered during events that happen during the SDK's lifecycle */ /** * Triggered when connection is successful * * @param isSuccess * @param message */ @Override public void onConnect(boolean isSuccess, String message) { if (isSuccess) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Connected to room ").show(); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Skylink Connection Failed"); } } @Override public void onWarning(int errorCode, String message) { Log.d(TAG, message + "warning"); } @Override public void onDisconnect(int errorCode, String message) { Log.d(TAG, message + " SkylinkConnection has been disconnected"); } @Override public void onReceiveLog(String message) { Log.d(TAG, message + " on receive log"); }
For more information on the SDK usage, please refer to our simple demo application.