Temasys does not officially support the ADT/Eclipse development tools with our SkylinkSDK for Android. This information is offered for educational purposes only. |
If you are using Eclipse with ADT (Android Developer Tools) plugin, you just need to do the following to start using the SDK.
Set up the Skylink SDK for Android
- Download the SkyLink SDK Jar
- Copy the SkyLink SDK Jar to the /libs folder ( The Skylink SDK Jar should now be located at: /libs/skylink_sdk-release.jar )
- Set up SocketIO Java. Follow the instructions on socket.io-client.java
Set up WebRTC native dependencies
- Download the appropriate WebRTC native library
- Set up libjingle_peerconnection_so.so in relevant architecture folders
- Make architecture specific directories inside libs folder:
- Copy the relevant libjingle_peerconnection_so.so files on to the proper directories
WebRTC .so (armeabi-v7a) file is now located at:
WebRTC .so (x86) file is now located at:
WebRTC .so (x86-64) file is now located at:
You're ready to go!
For more information on the SDK usage, please refer to the simple demo application or to our Getting Started User Guide. . You will need to follow the same procedure described above to add the SkylinkSDK for Android to the sample application. The sample application also requires v7 appcompat as a dependency.