As we move closer towards the impending release of a "unified plan"-only Google Chrome release, our teams are working on updating the Skylink SDKs so that they use the "unified plan" SDP format instead of "plan-b".

In the lead up to this change, we're releasing version 0.9.0 of the SkylinkJS Web SDK.

SkylinkJS 0.9.0 acts as an interim update, where we update the SDK so that the SDP messages it generates are of the "unified plan" SDP format, making it compatible with future releases of the Chrome browser and, more importantly, compliant with the JSEP (Javascript Session Establishment Protocol) draft standard.

However, this also makes SkylinkJS 0.9.0 incompatible with the rest of the Skylink suite of products.

This means that you should update your web application's version of the SkylinkJS SDK only if:

  • You want to test an implementation of "unified plan"-only SDP messages generated by the SkylinkJS SDK (and by extension, your application).
  • You're currently having issues with using the shareScreen and sendStream methods in web applications using SkylinkJS 0.6.37 and earlier.

By updating your web application's version of SkylinkJS SDK to version 0.9.0, you:

  • Change the SDP messages generated by your web application from "plan-b" to "unified plan".
  • Make your web application incompatible with:
           (a) Skylink Media Relay services and the Skylink MCU.

           (b) Applications using SkylinkJS Web SDK 0.6.37 and earlier.

           (c) Applications using current and older version of the Skylink Android and iOS SDKs.

Web applications using SkylinkJS 0.9.0 will still be able to establish peer-to-peer connections with other web applications using the same SDK version.