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SkylinkSDK for Web
How do I send audio level events for each peer?
How can I get the video image bitmap data from Stream object received in Skylink
How can I record raw bitstream of the received Stream object
How do I limit the number of peers joining a room on Skylink?
How can Peer A inform other In-Room Peers that A is leaving the room?
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Getting Started: Troubleshooting
Enabling logging in SkylinkJS for debugging
Error: 403 This key is not authorized for use on this domain
Error: getUserMedia() no longer works on insecure origins
Using five or more STUN/TURN servers causes problems
Error: AdapterJS dependency is not loaded or incorrect AdapterJS dependency is used
General Troubleshooting
Error: Cannot assign to read only property 'iceServers' of object '#<Object>'
Failed retrieving camera Stream -> MediaStreamError
[0.6.x] Resolve HTTP errors received in SkylinkJS
How can I handle a socket disconnect?
Error: Failed to execute 'webkitGetUserMedia' on 'Navigator': Malformed constraint: Cannot use both optional/mandatory and specific or advanced constraints.
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Troubleshooting Audio Issues
No Audio on call (Web)
Echo/ Screeching/ Feedback (Web)
I am experiencing unexpected echo cancellation behavior with Google Chrome.
Troubleshooting Video Issues
Unable to turn on camera (Web)
Black Stream (Web)
Frozen Stream (Web)
Jitter (Web)
Video Resolution
How can I change the resolution of the screen-sharing stream?
How can I set the aspect ratio to 16:9?
How to brand customize your Chrome extension
Why is there no audio during screensharing?
How can I use both screen sharing and the camera simultaneously?
v0.6.3+ : Workflow for shareScreen(), stopScreen(), sendStream() and refreshConnection() for MCU based environment
Can I switch the audio source while screen sharing, without stopping the screen share?
View all 7
Known Issues
Fixed: Chrome Bug in CoreAudio
Support for Angular and WebView
Support for Angular 4
Support for Angular 5
How can i obtain the recordingId in app.component.ts with Angular 5?
How can I set audio/ video bandwidth in the Angular 5 sample?
Does Skylink JS support WebView on Android?
Using a different/modified version of AdapterJS with Skylink
Statistics, Logs, Reporting
How can I obtain connection statistics for sent streams while using Skylink Media Relay?
How can I enable/ disable the StatsGathering feature?
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