General Troubleshooting

Error: Cannot assign to read only property 'iceServers' of object '#<Object>'
This error is due to the Adblocker tampering on some RTCPeerConnections. To fix, please disable or uninstall the Adblocker from your browsers
Wed, 27 Jun, 2018 at 4:45 PM
Failed retrieving camera Stream -> MediaStreamError
Complete error message: Failed retrieving camera Stream -> MediaStreamError { name: "NotFoundError", message: "The object can not be found...
Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 at 2:59 PM
[0.6.x] Resolve HTTP errors received in SkylinkJS
To diagnose the HTTP errors received from the platform server, it's recommended to subscribe to "readyStateChange" event before init() is trig...
Tue, 13 Oct, 2015 at 9:50 AM
How can I handle a socket disconnect?
A socket disconnection could occur due to various reasons (Eg: a network disconnection). To overcome this we would recommend reconnecting on a disconnection...
Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 at 3:51 PM
Error: Failed to execute 'webkitGetUserMedia' on 'Navigator': Malformed constraint: Cannot use both optional/mandatory and specific or advanced constraints.
Generally, we recommend not using "optional" as it's deprecated in the WebRTC Specs. The current specification uses the following format f...
Tue, 26 Feb, 2019 at 3:38 PM
No video connectivity between peers on Win IE 11 (Free Plugin) and iOS Safari 12
This is essentially due to a video codec mismatch. IE11 supports Vp8/ Vp9 while iOS Safari 12 supports the H264 codec. Our commercial plugins come with ...
Mon, 18 Feb, 2019 at 4:38 PM
Why do I get a null object when I call the function getPeersInRoom()
getPeersInRoom will return a null object when the room has not been created yet. There needs to be at least 1 peer in the room for it to return a non null o...
Wed, 31 Jul, 2019 at 1:11 PM