
Useful Debug APIs
The following APIs provide useful information when first debugging any issues related to the plugin. All these functions/attributes are accessed on a pl...
Wed, 2 Sep, 2020 at 8:15 PM
How do I check my plugin version ?
You can access the plugin version in the following variable : AdapterJS.WebRTCPlugin.plugin.VERSION You can use the above code on your javascript co...
Tue, 31 Jul, 2018 at 10:58 AM
Plugin Installation is Blocked when Open H264 is downloaded
Temasys uses openH264 in the plugin to add support to H.264. The openH264 dll is necessary for the plugin to work. Please note that the dynamic library ...
Wed, 30 Oct, 2019 at 11:39 AM
Why does Windows report “The Publisher couldn't be verified” when trying to run my custom plugin?
If your plugin is not code signed, Windows may identify your plugin as a potential risk for some users and display a warning prompt. The best way to fix...
Wed, 8 Aug, 2018 at 4:19 PM
Why does Windows report “Unknown publisher” when trying to install my custom plugin?
If your plugin is not code signed, Windows may identify your plugin as a potential risk for the user and display a warning prompt. The best way to fix t...
Wed, 8 Aug, 2018 at 4:19 PM
Why do I see a "not commonly downloaded, may harm your computer" warning on IE when I install my custom plugin?
Introduced in IE9, SmartScreen automatically checks for potentially malicious software in files you download. One of the criteria used is the frequency ...
Wed, 1 Nov, 2017 at 5:22 PM
SCRIPT3: Member not found
You may be seeing this error because the site you are running the plugin on was not listed as a whitelisted domain in your current config sheet. You can...
Tue, 26 Feb, 2019 at 4:10 PM
Why doesn't the plugin work with on IE?
This is not a plugin issue but pertains to which we are in the process of improving for IE. To test out the plugin functionalities on IE11, ...
Tue, 2 Jul, 2019 at 11:31 AM