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Temasys WebRTC Plugin
Installation/ Uninstallation/ Getting Started
How do I check if the Temasys WebRTC plugin is installed correctly?
Do I need to restart my browser after installing the WebRTC Plugin ?
How can I install the Temasys WebRTC plugin silently on IE?
How can I install the Temasys WebRTC plugin silently on Safari?
How can I Uninstall the Temasys WebRTC plugin on Mac?
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Plugin Compatibility/ Support
Can I use the Temasys WebRTC plugin without using the Skylink Platform and SDKs?
Does the Temasys WebRTC Plugin Support IE8?
Which browsers does the Temasys WecRTC plugin support?
Can the Temasys WebRTC plugin be used with Microsoft Edge?
What are the video and audio codecs supported by Temasys WebRTC plugin?
View all 14
Useful Debug APIs
How do I check my plugin version ?
Plugin Installation is Blocked when Open H264 is downloaded
Why does Windows report “The Publisher couldn't be verified” when trying to run my custom plugin?
Why does Windows report “Unknown publisher” when trying to install my custom plugin?
View all 8
Data Channel
Is there a limit to the bandwidth available over the data channel?
What type of data can be sent over the data channel?
General FAQs
How do I select a different Camera/Microphone when I use the Temasys Plugin?
How can I retrieve the VideoTrack resolution?
Multi-tab support using same camera
What getUserMedia constraints does the plugin support ?
Is there an option to display a screen preview while using the Temasys Plugin to select a screen to screenshare?
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Commercial Plugin Features
How do I use the screen sharing feature of the Temasys WebRTC Plugin
Why are my Users not prompted to select a Media Input device?
What is the HTTP/S Proxy Feature offered by the Temasys plugin?
How does the Auto Update for the plugin work?
Can the Plugin be translated into another language?
View all 9
Known Issues
Moving any Window or Application over the one being shared results in them being shared as well
Sharing applications on IE 11 sometimes results in a blank screen or a frozen screen
Statistics, Logs, Reporting
How to enable logging for troubleshooting (verbose mode)
How can I access the log files generated by the Temasys WebRTC Plugin?
Do you collect any data about end users of the WebRTC Plugin?
How can I obtain statistics from the Temasys WebRTC plugin?
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